Ocean City X-PERT 40 Model 311-904 Trade Reel for Sear & Roebuck Co. Jeweled Level Wind Circa-1939


Rare Ocean City X-PERT 40 Model 311-904 Trade Reel for Sear & Roebuck Co. Jeweled Level Wind Circa-1939. Bronson made the X-Pert 20,30 & 50 for Sears, However for reasons not known by me the X-Pert 40 was made by Ocean City. This is a very very nice example of a reel not often seen and never in this fantastic condition. Its spins fast with a level wind that glides easily side to side. It comes with a star drag on the outside of the handle assembly and not internal under handle as normally seen and it functions perfectly. You will also see what looks like a freespool lever top left on face but actually is a Anti-reverse lever much like you would see on a Edward Vom Hofe reel. Simply pull it out and down it stops the handle from going backwards. The clicker is strong and loud and this spectacular reel comes with removable jeweled bearing covers with tension springs. A very fine reel rarely seen and great collector reel or just fish it.


Rare Ocean City X-PERT 40 Model 311-904 Trade Reel for Sear & Roebuck Co. Jeweled Level Wind Circa-1939. Bronson made the X-Pert 20,30 & 50 for Sears, However for reasons not known by me the X-Pert 40 was made by Ocean City. This is a very very nice example of a reel not often seen and never in this fantastic condition. Its spins fast with a level wind that glides easily side to side. It comes with a star drag on the outside of the handle assembly and not internal under handle as normally seen and it functions perfectly. You will also see what looks like a freespool lever top left on face but actually is a Anti-reverse lever much like you would see on a Edward Vom Hofe reel. Simply pull it out and down it stops the handle from going backwards. The clicker is strong and loud and this spectacular reel comes with removable jeweled bearing covers with tension springs. A very fine reel rarely seen and great collector reel or just fish it.

Rare Ocean City X-PERT 40 Model 311-904 Trade Reel for Sear & Roebuck Co. Jeweled Level Wind Circa-1939. Bronson made the X-Pert 20,30 & 50 for Sears, However for reasons not known by me the X-Pert 40 was made by Ocean City. This is a very very nice example of a reel not often seen and never in this fantastic condition. Its spins fast with a level wind that glides easily side to side. It comes with a star drag on the outside of the handle assembly and not internal under handle as normally seen and it functions perfectly. You will also see what looks like a freespool lever top left on face but actually is a Anti-reverse lever much like you would see on a Edward Vom Hofe reel. Simply pull it out and down it stops the handle from going backwards. The clicker is strong and loud and this spectacular reel comes with removable jeweled bearing covers with tension springs. A very fine reel rarely seen and great collector reel or just fish it.