Montague H.C. REED CO. SPECIAL Trade Reel German Silver Top Hat 60 Yard Circa -1906


Vintage TOP HAT RAISED GEAR BOX MONTAGUE "H.C. REED CO SPECIAL." TRADE REEL German Silver . This is a Size 60 yard reel as engraved in the bottom of the reels foot. Spins smooth and fast. Strong clicker. Classic early Malleson Handle straight and clean. Foot is straight and not manicured . Beautiful show piece. Great example.


Vintage TOP HAT RAISED GEAR BOX MONTAGUE "H.C. REED CO SPECIAL." TRADE REEL German Silver . This is a Size 60 yard reel as engraved in the bottom of the reels foot. Spins smooth and fast. Strong clicker. Classic early Malleson Handle straight and clean. Foot is straight and not manicured . Beautiful show piece. Great example.

Vintage TOP HAT RAISED GEAR BOX MONTAGUE "H.C. REED CO SPECIAL." TRADE REEL German Silver . This is a Size 60 yard reel as engraved in the bottom of the reels foot. Spins smooth and fast. Strong clicker. Classic early Malleson Handle straight and clean. Foot is straight and not manicured . Beautiful show piece. Great example.